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Join our community of change makers and stay informed with the latest updates, events, and revolutionary initiatives. You‘ll receive exclusive content, insightful articles, and exciting announcements!
Join us on a journey to discover your purpose and
co-create solutions that revolutionize the world.

The World is Upside Down
The world’s current foundation is misaligned and unsustainable, producing systems that are emblematic of the fear and separation that created them: Our healthcare system harms; education suffocates learning; justice breeds inequitable outcomes; governing systems perpetuate fear and control. It has become normal for us to accept this standard of living as we consistently adapt to a lower quality of life.
The state of the world is a reflection of the state of its people. To change the world, we must first change ourselves. By awakening to your highest potential and aligning to your purpose, you can co-create and build in a way that’s deeply fulfilling and beneficial to all.
Path to Your Highest Potential
The RIIS revolution supports your path towards your highest potential through the RIIS Academy which provides transformational journeys with the world’s greatest experts and practitioners.
These journeys provide the supportive environment, tools, and resources needed to address the root cause of what’s limiting you, so you’re able to fully step into your purpose and highest potential. You’ll begin living your purpose by matching with purpose-aligned participants and investors to co-create purpose-driven organizations, services, and products.
Together, united in purpose and our highest potential, we’ll birth truly revolutionary solutions that support and benefit all life.

We are calling on those who want to turn the world right side up and pave a new way forward.

The state of the world is a reflection of the state of its people. To change the world, we must first change ourselves. Evolving humanity’s condition necessitates addressing the root causes and awakening to our true-selves, so we can create truly revolutionary solutions and sustainable change. The Bridge of rEvolution transitions between the following 4 phases, creating an unstoppable momentum.


Inner Transformational Journey: Phase I provides the first 6-weeks of a 12-week transformational journey and unites millions to awaken to their highest potential and create from an aligned, purpose-driven place that benefits all.


Purpose-Driven Business Accelerator: Phase II is the last 6-weeks of the 12-week journey. A purpose-driven foundation, designed to benefit all, serves as the launchpad for participants to form purpose-matched teams to co-create aligned and interconnected organizations, products, and services.


E&US (Energy & Universal Structures): Phase III transitions teams out of the cohorts and matches them with purpose-aligned investors to fund their businesses. These organizations purpose-align with other organizations, disrupting and revolutionizing societal systems, birthing E&US (Energy &
Universal Structures).


Implementing E&US in Eco-City Prototypes: As E&US takes shape in the world, it creates an unstoppable force birthing revolutionary solutions that drive the evolution of current cities, transforming them into vibrant, sustainable, and advanced Eco-Cities that reflect humanity’s evolved state of being.
2-Part Transformational Journey

AI RIISmap Questionnaire
(learn more)
Practitioner Matching
(learn more)
Payment Structure
(learn more)
Cohort Matching
(learn more)
Journey Begins
(learn more)
Inner Metamorphosis
(learn more)
Purpose Discovery
(learn more)
Conscious Reflection
(learn more)
Conscious Collaboration
(learn more)
Purpose Matching
(learn more)
Part 1
Practitioners and technology support your inner journey for objective feedback and self-discovery as you join together with others and undergo personal transformation.
While in your chrysalis of protection, light shines on all that has been hiding in the unconscious: traumas, limiting beliefs, shadows, and fears. As you transcend what’s holding you back, you connect deeper to your true self and purpose with profound clarity.

AI RIISmap Questionnaire
(learn more)
Practitioner Matching
(learn more)
Payment Structure
(learn more)
Cohort Matching
(learn more)
Journey Begins
(learn more)
Part 2
In your power and connected to your true self, you emerge from the chrysalis, clear on your purpose and take flight. You’ll learn entirely new ways of organizing, self-managing, creating, collaborating, and more.
THE MOST EXCITING PART: At the end of your journey, you’ll be matched with others who are purpose aligned to co-create new foundational systems and structures. You will receive compensation for your role and distributed equity from collective ownership in all businesses created within your purpose-structure.

Inner Metamorphosis
(learn more)
Purpose Discovery
(learn more)
Conscious Reflection
(learn more)
Conscious Collaboration
(learn more)
Purpose Matching
(learn more)
Part 1
Practitioners and technology support your inner journey for objective feedback and self-discovery as you join together with others and undergo personal transformation.
While in your chrysalis of protection, light shines on all that has been hiding in the unconscious: traumas, limiting beliefs, shadows, and fears. As you transcend what’s holding you back, you connect deeper to your true self and purpose with profound clarity.
Part 2
In your power and connected to your true self, you emerge from the chrysalis, clear on your purpose and take flight. You’ll learn entirely new ways of organizing, self-managing, creating, collaborating, and more.
THE MOST EXCITING PART: At the end of your journey, you’ll be matched with others who are purpose aligned to co-create new foundational systems and structures. You will receive compensation for your role and distributed equity from collective ownership in all businesses created within your purpose-structure.
AI RIISmap Questionnaire
The questionnaire is your first step after deciding to walk across the bridge – what a journey awaits you! This is not your typical questionnaire. It’s an advanced discovery process that offers a canvas for sharing your story.
The questions are crafted from industry experts to deeply understand your current beliefs and give you objective feedback. The data is integrated from your questionnaire with the help of AI and your practitioners to understand your unique essence, paving the way for a personalized journey. This is an important step in understanding your limiting beliefs, purpose, and which practitioners and cohort to match you with.
Benefits of your personalized RIISmap:
- Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain deep objective insights into your personal patterns, limiting beliefs, fears, and purpose.
- Customized Transformation Path: Each map is uniquely tailored to the individual’s journey, ensuring that your personal transformation is aligned with your specific purpose.
- Continuous Adaptation and Growth: The evolving nature of the AI RIISmap ensures that you’re presented with new information and learning opportunities.
- Empowered Decision-Making: With deeper self-knowledge and AI-driven insights, you’ll understand the beliefs guiding your current decision-making process.
- Increased Resilience: Regular feedback and the adaptive learning process build resilience to effectively handle change and uncertainty.
- Alignment with Purpose: Helps you align your actions and choices with your deeper purpose.
- Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Exposure to diverse perspectives and novel situations fosters creativity, encouraging you to think outside the box and approach problems innovatively.
Practitioner Matching
Practitioners are chosen very intentionally and intelligently based on your questionnaire answers and the needs of the cohort. The practitioners who accompany you on your journey create synergy and effectiveness. They provide the support you need to navigate and transcend your personal challenges.
These are some of the practitioners you may expect in your cohort:
- Main Mentor/Facilitator
- Transformation/Purpose Coach
- Integrative Doctor & Entheogen Facilitator/Specialist
- Somatic, Physical and Massage Therapist
- Neuroscience Experts
Payment Structure
Your investment goes towards your physical meeting location, practitioners chosen for your journey, and other necessary resources. We believe that transformation should be accessible to everyone, so we are working on including more options in the future.
Click HERE to see the payment options.
Cohort Matching
As cohorts come together, a diverse tapestry of perspectives and skills form. Each cohort is a microcosm of the larger collective, fostering collaboration, trust, and shared experience.
The people matched with you in your cohort are specifically chosen to create a meaningful collective experience. You will support and challenge each other as you align to your true selves.
Once you are matched to a cohort, you will receive a group text in Signal with your fellow cohort participants to designate a start date.
Journey Begins
This is where the fun begins. You now have everything you need to begin your journey into connecting with your true self, purpose, and potential. As you walk the path, you will be protected, supported, and surrounded by love and community.
Inner Metamorphosis
While in your chrysalis of protection, light shines on all that has been hiding in the unconscious: traumas, limiting beliefs, shadows and fears. As you transcend what’s holding you back, you connect deeper to your true self and purpose with profound clarity.
During this transformative stage, all necessary resources are provided to assist you on your journey. This includes access to skilled practitioners, technology, tools, support from those around you, and more.
Purpose Discovery
With many layers shed, you are able to deeply connect with your true self and receive answers on why you’re here. What a profound experience that will forever change your life!
Conscious Reflection
This is the midpoint of your journey where deep reflection with practitioner guidance helps to decide the next step. Some may decide they are ready to continue to Part 2, while others decide they need more time in Part 1. Personalization is necessary as everyone is always exactly where they need to be based on life experience and beliefs.
Conscious Collaboration
In your power and connected to your true self and purpose, you emerge from the chrysalis and take flight. In collaboration with experts from around the world, you’ll learn entirely new ways of organizing, self-managing, creating, collaborating, and more.
Purpose Matching
Towards the end of your journey, you’ll be purpose matched to roles and others in alignment with your purpose to co-create and build new foundations, systems, structures, organizations, and more.
Investors compensate your purpose-roles and you get equity from all businesses created within your purpose-structure. Compensation is determined based on a variety of factors, like level of skill, ability, and responsibility, length the role is needed, effort and time required, and speed the collective operates at.

RIIS Academy’s Transformational Journeys
The RIIS Academy holds two phases: Phase 1 focuses on the inward journey, to shift and align you to your full potential and purpose. This enables you to build and create in a way that supports and benefits all life; Phase 2 is a purpose-driven business accelerator, where you reveal your purpose and learn how to build organizations purposefully with help from experts, purpose-aligned participants and investors. As more purpose-aligned organizations, services, and products are created, they interconnect on a purpose-driven foundation for new societal systems to emerge, truly revolutionizing the world.
RIIS Academy

RIIS Academy’s Transformational Journeys
The RIIS Academy holds two phases: Phase 1 focuses on the inward journey, to shift and align you to your full potential and purpose. This enables you to build and create in a way that supports and benefits all life; Phase 2 is a purpose-driven business accelerator, where you reveal your purpose and learn how to build organizations purposefully with help from experts, purpose-aligned participants and investors. As more purpose-aligned organizations, services, and products are created, they interconnect on a purpose-driven foundation for new societal systems to emerge, truly revolutionizing the world.
RIIS Academy

RIIS Academy Phase I
Many skilled practitioners facilitate a supportive environment for you to transform limiting beliefs, fears, and past experiences blocking your potential, to unlock your purpose and embody an evolved state of being. This transformation occurs in the first 6-weeks of the 12-week journey.

Inner Transformational Journey
STEP 1: Join a Local Cohort

Complete the AI RIISmap questionnaire

Choose the payment structure that works best for you

Get intelligently matched to a cohort near you

For key cohort details and information click HERE
STEP 2: Journey Begins!

Meet the practitioners and other participants in your cohort

Receive baseline assessments from practitioners

Experience inward transformation to transform 6 levels: Desires, Beliefs, Fears, Thoughts, Feelings, and Ego

Embody and awaken 7 facets to live and create from an evolved and aligned place: Presence, Awareness, Purpose, Assurance, Self-Acceptance, Humility, and Oneness

Consciously reflect on your journey before Phase II and begin to unlock your purpose and unique gifts
Key Cohort Details

Investment: One-time payment $6,500. Click HERE for payment options.

Location: In-person. Your zip-code is used to locate cohorts near you

Dates: Start date is agreed upon by cohort and are 12-weeks in length

Times: Cohorts meet for 2 hours twice a week and every other Saturday with times agreed upon by participants

Once your questionnaire and payment is complete, you will receive an email with next steps. This includes details about being matched to a cohort and finalizing times.
RIIS Academy Phase II
Purpose-Driven Business Accelerator
Traditional power structures and hierarchical organizations limit the emergence of revolutionary and creative solutions that change and significantly benefit the world. Phase II transitions participants into purpose-aligned teams through an immersive purpose-driven business accelerator, transforming how they build businesses and do purposed-aligned work.
Practitioners become a supportive backdrop while global experts guide teams through 6 transformational business pillars to learn, co-create, self-organize, self-manage, collaborate, and build organizations purposefully. The sequence begins at the Purpose Pillar, where participants discover their purpose, then compounds clockwise to successfully ground the team’s purposes into collective action and results in the real-world.

Phase III: Energy & Universal Structures
In this phase, teams exit their cohorts with their prototypes and validated concepts that are collectively owned and match with purpose-aligned investors who fund their organizations. As their organization’s grow, they align with other organizations to create new systems, structures, and technologies, which are captured in the visionary plan: E&US. This offers a focal point for the collective teams to align towards, while accommodating evolution and complexity with adaptability and flexibility.







Phase III: Energy & Universal Structures
In this phase, teams exit their cohorts with their prototypes and validated concepts that are collectively owned and match with purpose-aligned investors who fund their organizations. As their organization’s grow, they align with other organizations to create new systems, structures, and technologies, which are captured in the visionary plan: E&US. This offers a focal point for the collective teams to align towards, while accommodating evolution and complexity with adaptability and flexibility.



Click me



Restorative Justice
Current System: The current justice system is punitive and cyclical, illuminating disconnection and perpetuating separateness. Using the antiquated carrot-and-stick model, the recidivism rate reflects this systems inadequacies, with over 75% of released prisoners being rearrested within 5 years. Inequitable outcomes, extensive delays, persistent biases influencing judicial decisions, high costs, political interference, antiquated technologies, and more highlight the results of a faulty foundation: inefficient, unjust, misaligned, and ineffective. Like other existing systems, it never addresses the root cause. We increasingly add more bandaids when delayed feedback loops within the system demonstrate its failure.
New Vision: For someone to commit acts of crime and injustice, they are deeply disconnected from themselves and the whole. They need deep support, love, and an environment that is restorative and inclusive. Purpose Discovery and Wholecare Reconnected support this structure by addressing the root causes, so people reconnect, become accountable and responsible, shift internally, and learn in a supportive communal environment.
Wholecare ReConnected
Current System: The current healthcare system is deeply misaligned. The system’s function is profit, aligning behaviors that prioritize financial gain over the wellbeing of people, perpetuating cycles of harm. Despite perceived innovations, the United States pays more for healthcare than any other country, while the prevalence of disease and illness continues to rise, contributing to a decline in life expectancy. Unsustainable costs, unnecessary treatments, misdiagnosis, frequent medical errors, misaligned profit-centered actions, and more point to a dire need for transformative change. Consequently, subsystems within subsystems have emerged as temporary bandaids to address the symptoms of systemic and foundational failures.
New Vision: Rooted in the transformative principles of the cohort journeys, WholeCare ReConnected is a paradigm shift in healthcare. Emphasizing the importance of root causes, this wholistic and comprehensive approach fosters deep connection to self and others. It mirrors the profound transformations experienced during the cohort journeys, aligning thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviors, fostering internal peace and ease. Physical facilities serve as inclusive sanctuaries, open to all, offering healing and rejuvenation alongside more comprehensive services. WholeCare ReConnected collaborates closely with Purpose Discovery and E&US Governance to gain comprehensive insights into human wellbeing, encompassing everything from neuroscience to energy dynamics.
Current System: The current economic landscape, resembles a precarious circus act, with trapeze artists stacked atop each other spinning in a dizzying spectacle in perpetuity. Its deep instability perpetuates vast disparities of wealth, and unfulfilling jobs, exacerbating dominance, control, influential corporations, and inequitable outcomes, with many struggling to afford basic human needs such as food, water, and shelter. The anthropocentric, hedonistic relationship with money becomes the ultimate path to fulfillment at the destruction of ourselves, each other, and the planet. This linear trajectory is unsustainable as the destruction of our choices continues to illuminate societal and environmental imbalance.
New Vision: Integranomics brings forth a shift unlike any other witnessed in human history. Drawing from ancient wisdom, it embraces a cyclical and symbiotic approach to economics, where abundance is its design, and everyone’s cup overflows. This shift transcends monetary wealth and our beliefs around money’s purpose, focusing on collective wellbeing and interconnectedness. Integranomics reshapes our relationship with money, recognizing its profound significance in fostering collective prosperity and societal harmony. Economic flow and remittance are imbued with purpose and meaning, serving the greater good of humanity and the planet.
Transformative Eco-Villages
Nurturing Regenerative Futures
Current System: Our current living environments lack intelligence and functionality, characterized by mechanistic designs and dysfunctional systems. From contaminated water sources to inadequate regenerative practices, our living spaces fail to prioritize health, connection and sustainability. Indoor air quality is compromised by a myriad of toxins, exacerbated by poor airflow and construction materials. All of this leads to severe environmental degradation that is destroying the Earth.
New Vision: Enter Eco-Cities and Transformative Eco-Villages, where innovation meets sustainability on a global scale. As E&US takes shape and is implemented in cities, it drives the evolution of the city itself, while paving the way for Transformative Eco-Villages to emerge and connect globally. These cutting-edge communities and cities embody the uniqueness of its people, utilizing regenerative and biophilic principles, intelligent and harmonic architecture, and advanced technology and transportation that seamlessly integrates with the natural world. Every part of the design benefits each other: Waste becomes the soil. Water flows in a sacred and pure way. Energy is renewable. The 5 structures operate symbiotically within the cities and villages, while businesses are both within and outside the villages contributing to the collective, sustainable living.
E&US Governance
Current System: The current form of governing is outdated and does not support the shift of human evolution. The influence of money in politics, lobbying, bureaucratic inefficiency, and lack of transparency and accountability have no room in an aligned society. Its inherit purpose fails to serve or benefit the whole, perpetuating old paradigms and stifling progress.
New Vision: Collaborative decision-making, decentralized authority, and transparent agreements form the bedrock of this structure. The emerging state of human consciousness nurtures a culture of relentless curiosity, bold experimentation, and groundbreaking discoveries. This allows quantum leaps in science and physics, supporting highly advanced forms of energy, transportation, technology, and entrepreneurial creations. Technology, guided by ethical principles, assumes a pivotal role in amplifying our interconnectedness, facilitated by advanced dashboards and AI algorithms that provide comprehensive transparency of the foundational elements, purpose-roles, and the collective whole.
Purpose Discovery
Illuminating Pathways to Purposeful Learning, Wisdom, and Discovery
Current System: The current foundation of our education system is drastically off-course, still largely adhering to the century-old industrial-age factory model made to create docile and agreeable workers. The deep inadequacies are evident in the plight of our children. They enter at a young age full of curiosity, discovery, and boundless enthusiasm to be gifted with depression, aimlessness, misinformation, and anxiety. Current school environments are not equipped to address the needs of the future or our children and young-adults. Misinformation misguides our youth from a very young age to adulthood, distorting fundamental concepts of how we actually learn. Curiosity, purpose, uniqueness, and exploration remain neglected and stifled. How can we possibly expect anything to be different if we fail to rectify the foundation from which it stems?
New Vision: Purpose Discovery is a profound shift in the foundation of how we learn, explore, and create in the world. The foundation for this system supports a future where students, purpose, creativity, collaboration, problem-solving, and adaptability are valued. Shortly after a child learns to walk, they start demonstrating their unique gifts to the world. As they mature, their purpose becomes increasingly apparent, shaping the formation of their learning environment in rhythm with nature, their individual development, and the interconnectedness of all life. Empowered with greater autonomy and a supportive environment that encourages growth and exploration, they gain more responsibility for directing their own learning path, so it’s aligned to their gifts and purpose. Facilitated by a network of teachers, mentors, elders, and discoverists, this process unfolds organically, fostering a vibrant environment where children can immerse themselves in diverse learning experiences around the world. When they emerge from their learning environments as young-adults, they are poised to make meaningful contributions to the collective whole.
Current System: The current economic landscape, resembles a precarious circus act, with trapeze artists stacked atop each other spinning in a dizzying spectacle in perpetuity. Its deep instability perpetuates vast disparities of wealth, and unfulfilling jobs, exacerbating dominance, control, influential corporations, and inequitable outcomes, with many struggling to afford basic human needs such as food, water, and shelter. The anthropocentric, hedonistic relationship with money becomes the ultimate path to fulfillment at the destruction of ourselves, each other, and the planet. This linear trajectory is unsustainable as the destruction of our choices continues to illuminate societal and environmental imbalance.
New Vision: Integranomics brings forth a shift unlike any other witnessed in human history. Drawing from ancient wisdom, it embraces a cyclical and symbiotic approach to economics, where abundance is its design, and everyone’s cup overflows. This shift transcends monetary wealth and our beliefs around money’s purpose, focusing on collective wellbeing and interconnectedness. Integranomics reshapes our relationship with money, recognizing its profound significance in fostering collective prosperity and societal harmony. Economic flow and remittance are imbued with purpose and meaning, serving the greater good of humanity and the planet.
As your inner world and awareness starts to shift you may find the autocratic way of organizing no longer resonates. Self-organization is a sustainable and resilient way that embraces new emerging phenomena that is both exciting and unpredictable. This environment embodies trust, respect, integrity, and love as we create from collective wisdom, personal mastery, and the unknown.
The following fields offer insight, support, experience, and guidance from the greatest experts in the world:
- Unlock your genetic potential for enhanced learning.
- Build new neural connections for optimal knowledge acquisition through a 4-step process.
- Trigger your neurological operating system to increase the speed of learning.
- Leverage the power of the Mirror Neuron System for effective learning.
- Master the neurobiological cycle of transformation and behavior change.
- Learn to prioritize concepts over details for quicker understanding.
- Optimize working memory for efficient information processing.
- Maintain focused, attentive brain states for improved concentration.
- Become a Quick Adapter to rapidly assimilate new information.
- Employ Conscious Access Triggers for better memory recall.
- Discover the role of novelty in effective learning experiences.
- Utilize immediate, impactful feedback to solidify learning.
- Identify your personal Biological Intelligence from 11 unique types.
- Strike a balance between complexity and simplicity in learning environments.
Restorative Justice
- Experience decentralized decision-making guided by collective rules and agreements.
- Embody sovereignty and agency in every action.
- Find empowerment from within, transcending traditional employee roles.
- Participate as an investor of time, talent, or resources with earnings tied to purposeful contributions.
- Foster shared leadership and collaborative problem-solving.
- Navigate with a clear holarchy structure, enhancing clarity and function.
- Practice effective communication to express and discover unique purposes.
- Achieve effortless productivity, fostering efficiency and impact.
- Experience transformative shifts in awareness, affecting self, others, and the planet.
- Engage with the creative process through surrender and intuition.
- Dynamically respond to the present moment, sensing and acting mindfully.
- Orient towards the emergence of new possibilities from the unknown.
- Embrace a mindful approach to technology creation, considering the far-reaching consequences of each innovation.
- Ensure that all technological solutions are centered around compassion, enhancing human well-being, and empathy.
- Infuse AI and machine learning technologies with ethical guidelines that respect self-organization, equitable outcomes, and transparency.
- Acknowledge and integrate the interconnected nature of technology, humanity, and the planet in every design.
- Commit to sustainable technological practices that support ecological balance and long-term viability.
- Focus on developing technologies that are accessible and beneficial to all, bridging digital divides.
- Uphold a high standard of responsibility and accountability in technological advancements.
- Develop adaptive technologies that can evolve with societal and environmental changes.
- Use technology as a tool for cultivating wisdom, personal growth, and collective understanding.
Restorative Justice
Current System: The current justice system is punitive and cyclical, illuminating disconnection and perpetuating separateness. Using the antiquated carrot-and-stick model, the recidivism rate reflects this systems inadequacies, with over 75% of released prisoners being rearrested within 5 years. Inequitable outcomes, extensive delays, persistent biases influencing judicial decisions, high costs, political interference, antiquated technologies, and more highlight the results of a faulty foundation: inefficient, unjust, misaligned, and ineffective. Like other existing systems, it never addresses the root cause. We increasingly add more bandaids when delayed feedback loops within the system demonstrate its failure.
New Vision: For someone to commit acts of crime and injustice, they are deeply disconnected from themselves and the whole. They need deep support, love, and an environment that is restorative and inclusive. Purpose Discovery and Wholecare Reconnected support this structure by addressing the root causes, so people reconnect, become accountable and responsible, shift internally, and learn in a supportive communal environment.
AI is integrated into your entire journey to offer holistic perspective, personalization, and important feedback as your journey unfolds and evolves. The AI insights are balanced with input from your mentors, practitioners, and experts supporting you in your journey.
Benefits of your personalized RIISmap:
- Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain deep objective insights into your personal patterns, limiting beliefs, fears, and purpose.
- Customized Transformation Path: Receive a uniquely tailored journey, ensuring that your personal transformation is aligned with your purpose.
- Continuous Adaptation and Growth: The evolving nature of the AI RIISmap ensures that you’re presented with new information and learning opportunities.
- Empowered Decision-Making: With deeper self-knowledge and AI-driven insights, you’ll understand the beliefs guiding your current decision-making process.
- Increased Resilience: Regular feedback and the adaptive learning process build resilience to effectively handle change and uncertainty.
- Alignment with Purpose: Helps you align your actions and choices with your deeper purpose.
- Enhanced Creativity and Innovation: Exposure to diverse perspectives and novel situations fosters creativity, encouraging you to think outside the box and approach problems innovatively.
- Contribution to a Larger Vision: You understand and contribute to the larger RIIS ecosystem of creating ethical, sustainable, and transformative solutions for global challenges.
No person or city can solve the world’s problems alone. By uniting and building purpose-driven organizations from an evolved state, we can create a quantum leap forward in humanity.
If you feel resonance and want to directly be involved in building and co-creating with us, then this path is for you.

Transformative and life-changing inward journey

Discover your purpose and unique gifts

Co-create purpose-aligned businesses, services, and products that benefit all

Receive investor funding and equitable collective ownership

Create significant impact that truly changes the world

RIIS’S Story
RIIS’s story doesn’t begin in boardrooms or tech labs, but in the realm of personal transformation and a profound reimagining of what it means to create and innovate. It’s a journey that transcends the conventional, where the awakening of individual potential meets collective aspiration for a better world.
Krystal, one of the visionary architects behind RIIS, embarked on this transformative path after experiencing personal and professional challenges that deeply questioned the status quo. Her introspection and transformation led to a powerful realization: our societal systems, from healthcare to technology, often operate from a place of fear and scarcity, disconnected from our intrinsic values of love, compassion, and interconnectedness. RIIS was born from this realization – a beacon for a new way of being, creating, and collaborating.
The RIIS Philosophy
At RIIS, we believe in a world where technology, humanity, and nature converge harmoniously, guided by ethical principles and the wisdom of interconnectedness. We envision an ecosystem where innovation is not just about economic gain but about elevating human experience and nurturing the planet.
The RIIS Journey
The RIIS journey is a unique 12-week program that brings together 36 visionary changemakers across three key domains: technology, neuroscience, and systems science. These founding members embark on a transformative experience that combines personal transformation with collaborative innovation.
The first phase focuses on inner transformation – transcending fears, limiting beliefs, and fostering a culture of deep trust and respect. If we want to create systems and technologies that benefit the whole, then personal transformation is necessary to dissolve the old thinking that created our current systems.
The second phase dives into co-creation, where participants leverage their diverse expertise, and collective wisdom with industry masters. They embrace the creative process to orient towards what wants to emerge from the unknown to develop ethical, sustainable technologies and systems.
The RIIS Impact
RIIS is more than a program or organization; it’s a movement. It’s about co-creating a future that honors the whole – mind, body, spirit, and planet as we learn to organize ourselves in a new way. It’s a call to those who resonate with our vision to contribute their voices and efforts. Together, we’re transforming how organizations operate, moving beyond traditional constructs towards an abundance-based, harmonious co-creation.
Join the Revolution
RIIS invites you to be a part of this groundbreaking journey. Whether you’re a potential founding member, a supporter of our vision, or someone seeking to contribute your unique skills and perspective, there’s a place for you in the RIIS ecosystem. Together, we RIIS – not just as individuals, but as a collective power for global change and innovation.